Why Did They Stop Celebrating Walk-Off Wins at Home Plate? Posted by By David Waldstein September 1, 2023Posted inArozarena, Randy, Baseball, Darling, Ron, Griffey, Ken Jr, New York Mets, Phillips, Brett (1994- ), Tampa Bay Rays, Wilson, Mookie Walk-off wins used to be celebrated at home plate with the player who scored. At some point, without explanation, the emphasis flipped to the batter.
It’s a Really Weird Time to Be an Umpire Posted by By Devin Gordon March 30, 2023Posted inBaseball, Cameras, Darling, Ron, Hernandez, Angel (Umpire), Major League Baseball, Officiating (Sports), Piniella, Lou, West, Joe With replay cameras watching every call, it has become an increasingly stressful job — and baseball’s new rules will just make it harder.
How John DeMarsico Made SNY’s Broadcasts Go Viral Posted by By Noah Gittell August 16, 2022Posted inBaseball, Darling, Ron, deGrom, Jacob, DeMarsico, John, Diaz, Edwin (1994- ), Hernandez, Keith, New York Mets, SNY Network, Television SNY already had some of the best announcers in baseball. John DeMarsico, the network’s director, has made every game feel like a trip to the movies.
Roger Angell Was Around the Game and of the Fans Posted by By Tyler Kepner May 23, 2022Posted inAngell, Roger, Baseball, Baseball Hall of Fame, Darling, Ron, New Yorker, Writing and Writers In his decades at The New Yorker, Roger Angell never lost sight of the fact that baseball players were just grown-ups who happened to have fascinating jobs.