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  • Glenn Kessler


Did Obamacare ‘massively’ increase the cost of health care?

Former Lousiana governor Bobby Jindal uses some suspect math to attack the Affordable Care Act

RFK Jr’s ‘history lesson’ on Russia’s invasion of Ukraine flunks the fact test

The independent presidential candidate’s claims are not backed up by the historical record.

The Trump-Biden battle over the 2017 tax cut

Both presidential candidates are making misleading statements about the 2017 tax cut.

That time football legend, rig-driving eligible bachelor Biden was arrested

Here’s a guide to some recent stories told by President Biden that cannot be verified or are not plausible.

Trump and allies say Biden pays rent for ‘illegals’ in Michigan. Not true.

Trump allies are running ads saying Biden is paying rent for undocumentd immigrants, but that’s false.

Eighty percent of Ukraine-Israel bill will be spent in U.S. or by U.S. military

“Foreign aid” often never leaves the United States.

Facts in the Trump courtroom v. ‘facts’ in the court of public opinion

Trump is playing to the court of public opinion with easily debunked claims.

The murky facts about Trump’s failure to visit American war dead near Paris

President Biden keeps knocking Trump for skipping an important ceremony because he thinks war dead are “losers” and “suckers” but the actual reason remains in...

Taxpayer dollars being used to fly ‘illegal aliens’ into U.S.? Nope.

People who receive humanitarian parole have to pay for their flights to the United States, despite what two lawmakers from Tennessee claim.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr.’s running mate and the vaccine wars

Newly minted vice presidential candidate Nicole Shanahan made a numbers of claims that do not stand up to scrutiny.