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  • Rosalind S. Helderman


How Trump allies are pushing to hand-count ballots around the U.S.

In recent weeks, local officials have considered similar proposals in Colorado, Kansas, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire, and bills to require hand-counted elections have been proposed...

As GOP lawmakers push for more election fraud charges, prosecutors find few cases

Prosecutors in key swing states have charged only a handful of cases of possible voter fraud or other crimes connected with 2020 election, even supporters...

New evidence shows Trump was told many times there was no voter fraud — but he kept saying it anyway

The House Jan. 6 panel aims to prove that Trump was acting corruptly by continuing to spread lies about the election long after he had...

Economic restrictions are having a devastating effect on Russia — but may have a harder time reaching Russian wealth in U.S.

Putin’s closest allies have largely avoided U.S. markets in recent years as tensions have risen between the U.S. and Russia, and those who remain have...

Top campaign officials knew of Trump adviser’s outreach to Russia

George Papadopoulos sought to arrange meetings between the campaign and Russian leadership.

For ‘low level volunteer,’ Papadopoulos sought high profile as Trump adviser

The Trump foreign policy adviser, who pleaded guilty this week to lying to federal agents investigating Russia’s interference in the 2016 election, traveled the world...

Belarus-born businessman sought proximity to Trump’s world in 2016

Congressional Democrats plan to renew efforts to interview Sergei Millian, who has largely disappeared from public view.

Sergei Millian: High-level access to Trump or unwitting bystander?

The story of the Belarus-born businessman illustrates the challenge confronting the FBI as it seeks to separate fact from fiction.