On Europe’s Dance Floors, Music Too Fast for Feet Posted by By Thomas Rogers October 6, 2023Posted inBars and Nightclubs, Berghain, Dancing, Disc Jockeys, Music Since the continent’s clubs reopened after pandemic lockdowns, young partygoers have been drawn to a hard, driving style of techno. It’s changing the way people dance.
Composers Find Transcendence, and Inspiration, at Berghain in Berlin Posted by By Jeffrey Arlo Brown March 10, 2023Posted inBerghain, Berlin (Germany), Classical Music, Fure, Ashley (1982- ), Music The storied Berlin techno club Berghain has changed the way some composers think about and make music.
Read Your Way Through Berlin Posted by By Daniel Kehlmann July 6, 2022Posted inBerghain, Berlin (Germany), Berliner Ensemble, Books and Literature, Brecht, Bertolt, German Language, Kehlmann, Daniel, Keun, Irmgard (1905-82), literaryguides, Nabokov, Vladimir, Travel, Tyll (Book), Writing and Writers The German author Daniel Kehlmann, most recently of the novel “Tyll,” recommends books that explore the city’s painful past and dynamic present.