New PBS Documentary Brings Elon Musk (and His 3-Year-Old) to the MoMA

Futurists and the future-curious, including Seth Meyers and Darren Aronofsky, attended a screening in New York City for a new PBS documentary.

Happy 100th Birthday, 16-Millimeter Film

The format was initially a boon to amateurs. Now, with moviemaking gone digital, it’s the choice of auteurs like Darren Aronofsky and Kelly Reichardt.

Happy 100th Birthday, 16-Millimeter Film

The format was initially a boon to amateurs. Now, with moviemaking gone digital, it’s the choice of auteurs like Darren Aronofsky and Kelly Reichardt.

A24 Achieves Art-House Supremacy With Triumphant Oscar Night

The independent studio behind “Everything Everywhere All at Once” and “The Whale” became the first to sweep the acting awards and win best director and best picture in the same year.

‘The Whale’ Premier in NYC Inspired Strong Reactions

More than 100 actors, singers and creative professionals attended the New York premiere of Darren Aronofsky’s new film at Alice Tully Hall this week. Some of them shared their thoughts.