Posted by
Sarah Bahr
December 20, 2023Posted inActors and Actresses, Bernstein, Leonard, Carell, Steve, Comedy and Humor, Cooper, Bradley, Crystal, Billy, Damon, Matt, Fiennes, Ralph, Film, Foxcatcher (Movie), Guinness, Alec, Hamilton, Margaret (1902-85), Jews and Judaism, Kidman, Nicole, Maestro (Movie), Martin, Steve, Movies, Nose, Oliver Twist (Movie), Olivier, Laurence, Prostheses, Richard III (Movie), Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer (Movie), Streep, Meryl, The Iron Lady (Movie), The Princess Bride (Movie), The Wizard of Oz (Movie), Touch of Evil (Movie), Welles, Orson
“Maestro” isn’t the first time a supersize sniffer set off a whiff of controversy. Here’s a look at the most notable schnozzes onscreen.