In the court filing, the woman also says Harvey Weinstein sexually assaulted her in a 2014 encounter that she believes was set up by Mr. Dolan. Both men denied her accusations.
The performer worked with Mattel to create a doll in her likeness, wearing an outfit inspired by the one she wore on the cover of Fleetwood Mac’s “Rumours.” She showed it off onstage at Madison Square Garden.
Fans of RBD, a Mexican telenovela pop act, flooded the arena with prep-school-inspired looks that nodded to the group’s source material and signature aesthetic.
The singer-songwriter, one of New York’s most beloved musicians, will conclude his monthly gig at the Manhattan arena after his 150th career concert there.
Al menos dos organizaciones de la liga más destacada de Estados Unidos para jugadores profesionales de videojuegos están vendiendo sus equipos, lo que subraya el futuro incierto de la industria.